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       兰州军区总医院1939年创建于革命圣地延安,坐落于兰州市七里河区南滨河路333号陆军总院内 科楼12楼,是一所具有光荣历史的医院。其前身为“八路军军医院”后更名为“白求恩国际和平医院总院”,1949年进驻兰州后,改名为“西北军区第一陆军医院”,1955年改称为“兰州军区总医院”。之后随我军编制体制改革调整,其组织结构历经多次大的调整变化,不断前进发展,现已发展成集医、教、研、预 防、保健于一体的现代化综合性“三级甲等医院”。
     Lanzhou military region general hospital was founded in 1939 in the sacred place of the revolution in Yanan, is located in Lanzhou City, South Binhe Road Qilihe District No. 333Army General Hospital Department of internal medicine floor 12 floor, is a hospital with a glorious history. Its predecessor was "the Eight Route Army military hospital" later renamed"Bethune international Heping Hospital Institute", in Lanzhou in 1949, renamed the "First Army Hospital of Northwest military region", in 1955 renamed the "General Hospital of Lanzhoumilitary area command". As our military system reform, the organization structure has many big changes, development, has developed into a set of medical, teaching, research,prevention, health care in one of the modern comprehensive "three level of first-class hospital".
        General Hospital of Lanzhou military command,
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